Sexlab tdf prostitution and pimping v2.2.5.4
Sexlab tdf prostitution and pimping v2.2.5.4


Additionally, I liked using the freed captives for TDF's Aggressive Prostitution mod, but it bothered me that they showed up un-named in that dialogue as well as in SLA Monitor Widget. The functionality intended, however, did not execute in game and many people were frustrated by it.


I've been working for several months on an update mod to the original excellent concept started in the Sex Slaves for Vanilla Bandit Camps mod posted by pchs in 2014. It would also ease the use of mod managers. It would allow me a larger file size so these wouldn't be fractured, and that's the only reason I would consider it. Perhaps eventually, but while I'm pushing frequent updates, adding another pathway on a different website to update would just slow me down for very little added benefit.


Q: Will this eventually be fused into one file for download or hosted on MEGA?Ī: Maybe, but not anytime soon. But, those are fine candidates for a follow-on mod for all or each of them using this mod in a more well developed state as a starting point. i.e., Rogue mages, Forsworn, Vampires, etc. Q: Does the mod add NPCs to bandit camps only or do other factions like the forsworn also have them?Ī: It's not called "Sexy Forsworn Captives." Given the developing story around the nature of the restraints and the Bandits (already written in the Captives' greeting dialogue) and the economic basis (pleasure slaves for sale), the principal points of this mod aren't a good fit for the other non-Bandit factions of Skyrim. But it might be interesting nonetheless so I'll leave the door open. The juice probably isn't worth the squeeze. Then I would have to have a blocking Boolean statement in most other dialogue branches to ensure the Khajiit one is selected. and to do particularly the Khajiit well I would need to have Khajiit specific dialogue at every stage because of the different language syntax employed. If it won't be done well, I probably won't do it. Converting the characters wouldn't be difficult rewriting all of the dialogue would and I think the time would be better spent improving depth on the female-centric mod.Ī: Currently all Skyrim vanilla races are represented except the Khajiit and Argonians. Q: Will there be a version with male Captives?Ī: Due to the volume of gender specific dialogue (there are literally hundreds thousands of lines) doing so would be a prohibitive time sump to accommodate a minority of users (as is the case with many LL mods). Q: Is there be a version for KS Hair and/or CBBE outfits?Ī: Yes, they are included in the installer. Otherwise it will have no effect on an existing game. *Note: This will only function if set before the Captive placement phase. Q: Can I make the Captives naked? Ī: For Naked Captives, Console: "Set pchsCaptiveClothes to 2" ? or anything in between/combination thereof.Ī: "I have in the past described (to those who have asked) the difference between this mod and the original pchs mod as the difference between looking at a picture of Disney World VS actually going to Disney World." - Corsayr It can be just a simple "rescue the girls" campaign, if that's how the user wants to play it. This is not designed to be a new slave mod, though it may be used that way. This mod does not require its conceptual predecessor in any way, and may even be run alongside it independently if desired.

sexlab tdf prostitution and pimping v2.2.5.4

A: This mod is a major content and visual overhaul/expansion to the original concept developed by pchs from 2014 (Sex Slaves for Vanilla Bandit Camps) whereby Bandit gangs have taken female NPCs from various backgrounds in Skyrim prisoner.

Sexlab tdf prostitution and pimping v2.2.5.4